Lynda filemaker pro 14 essential training
Lynda filemaker pro 14 essential training

lynda filemaker pro 14 essential training

So I can upload my application to FileMaker Server, I can even upload it to the cloud, so that people can access it wherever they want to. I can pick a Server and what a FileMaker Server is is another FileMaker product that really just let's you take your custom apps and share them with hundreds of different people if you want to.

lynda filemaker pro 14 essential training

But I can also upload it to a Server if I want to. So we're going to talk about creating a FileMaker custom app in the FileMaker Pro Advanced product. In addition to that there's some really interesting ways that you can share your application. You'll be hard-pressed, as a matter of fact, you're not going to find another database platform that gives you all of those in one package and that's really what makes FileMaker so special. All those things together mean that we've got a triple layer application here, data layer, presentation layer, and logic layer. And then also even automation in the form of scripting in FileMaker, also things we'll cover in this course. And that's where things like calculations can be built in, which we'll talk about here. And in addition there's also a logic layer, which is a reference that you hear in database circles quite a bit. So FileMaker has all that wrapped into one. So in the same tool that you have the ability to create and manage your database or data layer, you also have the tools where you can create and manage your presentation layer. But this is where we're actually designing the interface or presentation layer portion of it. We're going to talk extensively about Layout Mode in this course. It has the ability to create custom layouts and I'm going to show you that in Layout Mode.

lynda filemaker pro 14 essential training

But FileMaker also has what's called a presentation layer in it. All they are are the tables and the fields and the relationships. Other database applications, like SQL Server or Oracle, that is where they end. However, that's not where it ends for FileMaker. That's specifically what we're talking about when we talk about a related database platform. Well, first of all, what is a database? A database is the part of a system like FileMaker where you create tables and you create fields in those tables and you store data in those tables and those tables can even be related together. Let me tell you why FileMaker's more than just a database. While I will use the terminology of apps, databases, or even solutions through this course, I'm really talking about the same thing. Now in FileMaker we call finished databases apps or custom apps and the reason for that is because they're more than just databases. Before we get started I just wanted to talk a little bit about FileMaker and the platform and why it's really so special.

Lynda filemaker pro 14 essential training